

$119,90 (Tax Included)

Fast specifications suitable for short-distance and accurate casting


Fast specifications suitable for short-distance and accurate casting.
The form is gray and the grip is cork, making it a luxurious item to look at.


The recommended line for this product is WF-2F.

The recommended line is the reason why it is the first, but since it is a fast action short rod, by using the WF line which is the first, he gives some load at the time of casting and enables accurate control. is.

With a dedicated rod case.


MODEL LINE No.(#) LENGTH(m[ft]) PCS. Closed Length (cm) Weight(g) Action Grip Type Price(dollar) JAN CODE Release Date
RP-OI6013 1~2 6’0″1.82 3 64 53 MF Cigar 119.90 4560430627391 2016/10/27
Weight 100 g
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